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COVID-19 might have turned our world upside-down, but it can’t scare us away from raising money for the Wilmot Cancer Institute’s Patient Needs Fund. So we’re doing a virtual event in 2020! You and your team will be able to dress up and run or walk a 5K or 1.5 mile route ON YOUR OWN.

We will be offering our long sleeve t-shirt and hope to have additional goodies that will be announced soon!

Cutoff to guarantee a shirt on race day is October 3.  All others will be mailed out a few weeks after race day.

Packet pickup for the event will be Thursday and Friday October 22 and 23rd at Medved Running and Walking Outfitters.

Runners can run their race anytime between October 24 and Halloween! Submit your time online here at this site and signup for notifications to make submitting your time a breeze.

The Patient Needs Fund is a donation-based fund for patients under cancer treatment at the Wilmot Cancer Institute. Assistance can be provided to patients in the form of gift cards to local gas, grocery, and general merchandise stores such as Kwik Fill, Wegmans, and Target. Often patients need money for gas as many are driving from outside or on the outskirts of Monroe County for treatment daily or weekly. Target and Wegmans gift cards are typically used for food or everyday needs of patients. The amount provided is based upon the patient’s needs; as many patients as possible can be assisted with a donation to this unique fund. This is the power of the Patient Needs Fund; patients are able to focus more on their treatment and fighting cancer, and not on the financial burden that so many of us have.

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